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Bespoke Solutions and Skids for Process Challenges
We use our process experience and technology expertise to solve challenging process filtration and solids separation applications for our customers. This frequently leads to the provision of a complete skid-mounted, fully functional system approach, as well as skid design and delivery. We outline below some of our previous projects and are available to assist you with your application. For more information, contact our technical specialists today.

5.1 Filtering in an Existing Plant

Situation: The filtering in an existing plant with extremely limited head and floor space was being upgraded by a bulk active chemical client.
The Challenge: Testing proved that a lenticular filter could replace a 4 stage filtration by replacing the final three stages. However, lenticular filter housings can be difficult to handle and require overhead hoists for dome removal. The customer also needed flexibility as the multi-purpose plant produces batches of different volumes.
Our Solution: To meet the client's batch size filtering requirement, we designed a lifter skid with the ability to employ one or three lenticular modules. The lifter skid enables fast cartridge changeover and fits precisely in the confined area. Furthermore, because the customer received a full skid, the FAT, installation, and SAT were all completed quickly and easily, allowing the customer to resume production with minimum downtime.
Watch This Video of a Skid in Operation:
5.2 Industrial Process with Extremely Aggessive Chemicals
Situation: An industrial process with extremely aggressive chemicals and strict containment needs was being scaled up.
The Challenge: The filtration stage was particularly challenging, and the customer wanted to recover as much solvents and acids as possible to save down time on waste treatment.
Our Solution: We worked with the customer to assist them in scale-up from a beaker to a pilot-scale by providing small scale testing and proof of principle, as well as gathering important data for scale-up. The prototype plant was delivered, together with HAZOP studies and other assistance, and a final fully automated ATEX skid was manufactured in record time to meet the client's deadlines. We also provided polishing rigs and cartridge filters so that they could recycle the solvents and acids back into the process.

Complete automated skid systems for solids separation, washing and recovery
Examples of Various Skids:

Duplex Multi-Bag filter housing skid for continuous service (duty / standby)

Trolley mounted squeeze filter press with pump for small high value batch recovery of biomass solids
Please contact us to assist with your specific process challenge(s) and benefit from our expertise and broad range of technological solutions to give you the best and most cost effective solution: